Thursday, September 27, 2012

Where I've been is who I've become

How many times do you look back the hell did I get here?!?!?
How many times do you daydream throughout the day, sitting in you're cubicle or office saying to yourself " this is not what I expected....this isn't what I wanted."

This is my regret, almost every day. I, like many of the 17 year olds entering college were forced to make a decision...what do you want to be? For THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, HOW WIlLL YOU LIVE IT??

This is where I don't completely agree with society. We are forced at such a young age to decide our destiny and sign a contract of almost a lifetime of debt (aka college loans, room and board) on what we "think" we want to do for the rest of our lives.

My story was a little different, though. I had to stay in New Jersey....even though my passion for wildlife conservation would have sent me to Colorado, Michigan, or yes, North Dakota for college. I wasn't allowed to leave New Jersey. I was pretty much forced into medical..." It'll give you a good life!" Promised by family members. I had to make a decision. How I regret that decision....

My family doesn't know, to this day, that I entered into an environmental biology program and was only one course shy of being accepted...and it's my family that made me make a decision, that semester. I ran out of time in their eyes. How money controls our lives.....

As good as it feels to get this out on paper, learn from me. If you want matter what it takes or where it takes you....DO IT. Don't let others or family influence your decisions....if you think you can catch those stars...keep reaching.

My story hasn't ended with medical billing....this is only a stepping stone. I have many passions and I'm determined to live them out.

This blog is a little more serious than I expected, but please forgive my honesty. Today I needed to get this out.

Thanks for listening.

- Posted using BlogPress from Jen's iPad

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life, lessons, and a whatever else crosses my brain

Hello, my name is Jen. I'm a medical biller by day, an integral part of a construction crew on the weekends (rebuilding/updating/designing a 1940's foreclosure home- aka money pit-my husband and I purchased in July), and pet-mom to my 6 year old black lab/pointer/hound mix, Jack, Annabelle (aka nanny), a cat that was free with a bag of cat food ( I know, sad...more about devil kitty later) and a fish tank full of "Bobs" that I consistently over feed - Bolivian rams, and I just can't seem to give them any other name than that. I'm also a wife to my husband, Marty, who has supported me through any venture I have ever tried, endured, accomplished or failed.
It's so hard trying to find one thing to write about because there are always so many random thoughts running through my mind. A couple of friends/ coworkers said I would be good at blogging because I tend to have random "outbursts" of completely irrelevant, yet sometimes comical thoughts that cross my mind throughout the day. But if you think about it, who wouldn't? I'm a MEDICAL BILLER. In our office we have 9 girls... The excitement of my morning is getting the call from downstairs saying "The mail is here!!!" so I can leave my "cube" ( cubical, for those who can't figure it out) OR getting to leave early at the end of the day. Our main purpose- bring in money for the 20-something physicians in our group or get outsourced, laid off, fired... So we fight with patients and insurances Every. Single. Day.
Hardly the life I imagined when I was spending a ridiculous amount of money during my college years....but, it pays the bills for the life I lead thus far.
My name is Jen...I'm blogging to entertain, inform, help, and maybe even Encourage people through my experiences to follow your dreams and never settle...for this is only a stepping stone in your story....unless you allow it.

- Posted using BlogPress from Jen's iPad

Location:Homeland, NEW JERSEY