Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life, lessons, and a whatever else crosses my brain

Hello, my name is Jen. I'm a medical biller by day, an integral part of a construction crew on the weekends (rebuilding/updating/designing a 1940's foreclosure home- aka money pit-my husband and I purchased in July), and pet-mom to my 6 year old black lab/pointer/hound mix, Jack, Annabelle (aka nanny), a cat that was free with a bag of cat food ( I know, sad...more about devil kitty later) and a fish tank full of "Bobs" that I consistently over feed - Bolivian rams, and I just can't seem to give them any other name than that. I'm also a wife to my husband, Marty, who has supported me through any venture I have ever tried, endured, accomplished or failed.
It's so hard trying to find one thing to write about because there are always so many random thoughts running through my mind. A couple of friends/ coworkers said I would be good at blogging because I tend to have random "outbursts" of completely irrelevant, yet sometimes comical thoughts that cross my mind throughout the day. But if you think about it, who wouldn't? I'm a MEDICAL BILLER. In our office we have 9 girls... The excitement of my morning is getting the call from downstairs saying "The mail is here!!!" so I can leave my "cube" ( cubical, for those who can't figure it out) OR getting to leave early at the end of the day. Our main purpose- bring in money for the 20-something physicians in our group or get outsourced, laid off, fired... So we fight with patients and insurances Every. Single. Day.
Hardly the life I imagined when I was spending a ridiculous amount of money during my college years....but, it pays the bills for the life I lead thus far.
My name is Jen...I'm blogging to entertain, inform, help, and maybe even Encourage people through my experiences to follow your dreams and never settle...for this is only a stepping stone in your story....unless you allow it.

- Posted using BlogPress from Jen's iPad

Location:Homeland, NEW JERSEY


  1. Great job Jen I can't wait to follow your blog

  2. Oh my god I'm SO excited you're doing this!! I will follow you every step of the way!!

  3. YAYAYAYAYA!!! Wall highfive!!!

  4. Nice! I have one too....I started it when i lived in CA but only recently started trying to get back into it....i sent you the link...i think....let me know if you got it

  5. Thank you so very much everyone!!! It really means the world to me that I have readers and supporters!! No Ali, I didn't get it... Send it again!!!

  6. I want to spend a day in jens head.... This blog will have to do for now...... Please continue to blog away!!!!

  7. Supporters? More like people left in shock at the magnitude of your self centered, conceit and narcissistic psychopathic tendencies . I guess the fact that you supposedly didn't have enough money to continue your passion for conservation, you decided to see how much you could steal from the Larsen Family.
    You are so busy complaining about moving - you stayed home from work for three days and hadn't packed anything, "because you had a cold". You disappeared on moving day for hours to borrow a Pathfinder from your parents, one that wasn't needed, leaving your husband's friends and family to pick up yet more of your slack. Most parents would have just delivered a vehicle - since they were never going to be of any help. BTW We LOVED how your Mom showed up in the strapless "frock" to help at the Dumont house. What a joke. The apartment was left in such a state of filth - and I admit to telling you, the worst dirt one could imagine in the worst houses of Paterson or Newark. I was ashamed that my son lived there with you. It looked like no woman ever lived in that apartment. It all reflects on your laziness.
    While your husband was working to make the house into a home for you and he, you were self centered enough to post pictures of yourself on facebook, "resting on the couch with Sofi". You ought to be ashamed, but that isn't even close to the worst things you've done. How about the huge facebook thank you to your parents for "helping with the move"? Seriously? You ducked out of work once again, and at least one of those arrogant people felt the need to encourage you to stay, because the work must have been beneath you. News to Jen: Everyone noticed your laziness.
    Everyone noticed your deliberate attempt to bring the level of help you received from your parents up to that of your husband's. You must have been so humiliated at the lack of concern from them. I'm very happy that you must be so unhappy with the quality of your family and your life together.

  8. You left your husband to walk home from Giants Stadium-at night, alone, when the car had overheating issues. Nobody ever believed that you slept through a hundred calls from him. Your husband, walked in the dark on Route 3 over the half completed bridge due to your selfishness. Do you ever think anyone that cares for him would ever forgive you for that one?
    But it wasn't the last - then there was the episode where you left your husband to sleep in the hall at the hotel for the wedding of one of his best childhood friends. Nobody believed that you didn't hear his calls or the knocks on the door. But that wasn't the end - you stayed home to pack for the weekend - and failed to include ONE article for your beloved husband - such a fine specimen of a wife you are.
    Do you remember the trip to Aruba - the one that "The Larsen's" paid for? You know, where you kept inferring that it was a "free" trip, and that your Dad got free rooms at the Ramada? Sure thing - the trip was only free to you, because we love our son. That there are no "free" Ramada rooms, I'm confident. Just another pathetic attempt to even the score - as though your parents really cared about you.
    And then - you deny me a glass of wine - all while sleeping in the room WE paid for, sitting in the airplane seat WE paid for, eating the food WE paid for. You are truly a very sad specimen.
    All monies spent on you, even though you were just a recipient of our love for our son, was a wasted effort. There truly is no help for a narcissistic psychopath.
    When a married woman stays out all night, trying to recapture her lost youth-because her friends are somewhat attractive, it's always going to be a dead end. Any attention you thought you were getting was because your friend was attractive. You were "the friend" she dragged along. Sad.
    All your blogging - as though anyone really cared a rats a$$ about you? All an attempt to fool someone into believing you are relevant? You are NOT. Nobody will ever notice you on a bus, and stand too close, or say "hey beautiful", because you are ugly all the way through. I still can't decide which is uglier - the outside, or the inside of you. These are merely amateurish attempts to be important, it certainly looks like you are attempting to be Carrie Bradshaw, something you will never be. Carrie Bradshaw was a fictitious character, only you don't realize that. Pintrest quotes from Carrie about how much and how hard you love people . . . hysterical. And IF there were a Carrie, she would be able to spell and not demonstrate her lack of intelligence in her writings. But you probably will never matter to anyone anyway.
    All your talk about "going for it" - we thank GOD every day that you didn't get a kid out of my son. It would be particularly difficult to acknowledge, let alone love one that carried any of your traits - or unfortunate physical handicaps.
    Had you NOT "gone for it" maybe you wouldn't be, at nearly 32 years of age, still paying $30,000 for your failed stint at college. You couldn't be satisfied with the amount of money your parents offered (then retracted) for your wedding - so you "went for it". You had to put my son and yourself even deeper into debt to satisfy your cravings for attention.
    So selfish to spend a small fortune on numerous "practice make-up" sessions, and "practice hairdo's", none of which could have helped you. You didn't leave ten dollars for him to get a hair cut. You left the apartment to go to the wedding and honeymoon in the same filthy state that we found when you moved.

  9. So Farewell to Rent Evictions in August 2014, Farewell to Car Repossessions in 2014, Farewell to overdrawn checking statements every month, Farewell to Credit Card Delinquency Statements, Farewell to Property Tax Lien Sales - for these are some of the fine attributes of an Andreula. You have proven yourself worthy of carrying the Andreula name for the rest of your life. Maybe with the score you were able to finagle from your husband you can scrape enough together to buy your Dad a new pair of khakis to wear to Attorney Depositions, when you try to steal from your next potential victims. Farewell, so glad you really decided to "Go for it". Maybe in your next life you can work on being a better person - your chances during this one are probably already done.
